10+2 CBSE Education
What is this project?
Shriniketana School has taken the decision to start 10+2 courses under the CBSE curriculum from the 2025-26 academic year. It will be only the third school in Uttara Kannada district to take up this Endeavour. The course was planned and executed under the guidance of eminent educationists in order to achieve the maximum proficiency in its academic output. All efforts will be made to recruit competent and qualified faculty, along with state of the art infrastructure. Initially the subjects in Science and Commerce streams would be offered. More options would be added later on taking the interests of the students and emerging opportunities into consideration.

Why is it needed?
10+2 Education is a highly significant phase of pre-university education across the globe. It is more so in India it is at this stage the students get exposed to the enormous opportunities available in the higher education landscape in the contemporary world. That means they have to make the right and informed choice on their future education path based on their intrinsic strengths and passion. As they say it is where their “destination is decided” and of course it is not an exaggeration!
As of now,ShriniketanaSchool has classes up to 10th. Hence, students have to move out to other places for studying higher classes. Sometimes meritorious students of poor families abandon their further studies due to the cost involved in such migration. Therefore, ShriniketanaSchool decided to offer vital support at this crucial juncture for such thousands of bright and needy students of this part of the district and neighboring ones. The academic culture, schedules and modules will be designed and implemented in such a way that fundamental knowledge and skills are effectively imparted. And also they are empowered to comprehend the wide opportunities available in higher education, so that they make an informed and firm choice on progression to higher education. Shriniketana wishes to be such a highly reliable and competent destination for those who aim for big things in life.
What is its uniqueness?
Shriniketana offers this niche education with a range of its unique strengths. One, its credibility was already established over the years under the highly able leadership of our President, who has very high moral standing in the society. Second, the robust governance ensured by the Management Council having members with a unique blend of experienced administrators and eminent educators. Three, the highly qualified and competent teaching faculty being recruited here, who can nurture the students of varied backgrounds throughout their learning curve. And finally, the quality infrastructure and service support being provided. They include spacious buildings, well equipped laboratories, contemporary library, vast sporting options, midday meal, and bus for transport facility and so on.
Who are the beneficiaries?
Shriniketana School has already made its mark on the education map of Karnataka, as one of the most socially responsible schools. Perhaps, it is one of the CBSE schools of the country, which has a very minimum fee structure. That means, making education accessible to all the needy students irrespective of their economic, social or religious background is in the core objectives of Shriniketana. Hence, all the eligible students of Uttara Kannada district and neighboring ones like Haveri and Shimoga can take the benefit of 10+2 course of this School, especially from poor rural areas.

What would be the outcome?
The Project 10+ 2 CBSE Education intends to offer 10+2 course with CBSE curriculum to the students of this part of rural Karnataka. Being the only school in this region to provide such a quality education opportunity, the people of this region will be enormously helped. It includes:
- Quality education is a highly affordable cost for all the deserving students of this region, irrespective of their social, economic, cultural & religious background.
- The course will be of CBSE curriculum, designed as per the national education framework of NCERT.
- The academic environment and programs which would help the students to realize their potential and achieve their career goals, through the holistic development strategies adopted in this institution.
- As the CBSE curriculum is globally competent and recognized across the developed world, mobility of the students would be easier, both during the course as well as later for higher education.
- With the highly competent teaching–learning activities under leadership of excellent teaching faculty, the students will be made strong in their basics and competent in applying that knowledge in different contexts. This would give an edge over the other students, especially in facing highly competitive higher education fields like Medicine, Engineering, Pharmacy, Commerce, Management etc.
- Making students future ready by giving holistic education, with utmost focus on academic vigor so that they can enter into any higher education stream of their choice with conviction and confidence.
- Highly competent special coaching would be offered to the needy and interested students for facing niche competitive exams like JEE (for IITs), NEET (for Medical Colleges), NDA (for Defense Academies), K-CET (for Engineering/ Technical Institutions in Karnataka), CA (Chartered Accountant), CS (Company Secretary) etc.
- Ultimately contributing in the nation development by providing highly quality secondary education opportunities for the needy students of this part of rural Karnataka.
What is the project plan?
The project “10 plus 2 CBSE Education” has already been initiated. Based upon its implementation process, it can be visualized in broadly four phases. They are:
- The construction of a spacious building, which provides adequate spaces for class rooms, seminar halls, laboratories, library, common rooms, office and other supporting spaces, washrooms etc. The work is already started with the support of funds available with the school. You may please have look at its engineering plan and progress of the works in the images given.

- Getting the necessary statutory approvals and also recruitment of qualified staff. These works are initiated by taking help of Governing Committee members as well as the professional domain experts available locally.
- The construction of staff quarters and students’ hostels. These works will be taken up in the next phase, once the main building works get completed.
- Furnishing of the building and launching the academic program. The works related to this will be taken soon after the building construction work is over. We must be able to initiate these works mostly by January 2025.
Why is your support so crucial for us?
Currently the School is starved of financial resources in order to execute all the components of this proposed project. Though the institution can approach the lending institutions for the borrowings, then the school would end up paying a huge share of its resources as interest every year. This may ultimately make the school obliged to enhance its fees in order to manage its expenditure. It would then obviously make education expensive here, which is not at all in the best interest of local people, who are mainly depending upon ever fragile agricultural income. Therefore, to keep the education affordable to all needy local people, and also not to pass on the school burden to its parents, we are heavily dependent on the generous contributions made by altruistic donors like you.
We are registered with Benevity Causes Portal & we can be found in the name of ‘Shriniketana School’ & ‘Shri Rajarajeshwari Vidya Samsthe’